Unsound Records

Bird Names

The Bird Names have seen the star of heavy medley, guising about their chicago home and afield, too, for a few fair years. Once they wrong-rocked: clefting audiences with irresponsible volume and noises, but lately lessly, invoking such energies to ramp up the slant of their pop, and not barely at all rocking wrong. Coming lately charmful the players are: Albert Schatz, David Lineal, Colin Hartz, Liam Warfield, and Eleanor Balson: spooking about ghostsome be Eric and Naomi besides.

Unsound Records is proud as a warrior’s village to be affiliated with these creative elemental creatures. This energetic Chicago-based outfit has all the guts needed to make sweetest gravy. The newest transplant to our dirt, we will be watering them and trying to make sure they get much light throughout the oncoming passage of time.

The Chicago Reader has said they sound like they might’ve been recorded “in a men’s stall at the United Center” and the Illinois Entertainer offers that it “literally consists of patience-trying noises across lo-fi offerings.” The more recent “Traceland Recordings” and “On Opaque Things” strike for this bar: Time Out Chicago called the latter one of the most charming local releases of the year.